RAFTING VÉSUBIE – Athletic 1/2 day

“The Infernal Canyon”
The most beautiful of our rivers, the Vésubie offers us an exceptional rafting route on its lower part.
From St-Jean-la-rivière, the numerous rapids that are very manoeuvred follow one another without respite, it’s the heating up before the kilometre of gorges, very narrow section with a strong drop: the synchro is essential.
Gentle arrival at Plan du Var, adrenaline guaranteed!


in short :

  • Level : Athletic
  • Public : from 14 years
  • Duration : 2 hours
  • Meeting point :
  • Price : 65

Informations :

  • Equipment included: Lifejacket, helmet and suit CEE standard
  • Guide: smiling and state-certified

Important :

  • Know how to swim
  • Closed sneakers (mandatory)
  • Swimsuit

1- Basse Vésubie

GPS: 43.860566, 7.199114
Google  maps

2- Haute Vésubie

GPS: 43.942837, 7.282955
Google maps